Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Italian Mafia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Italian Mafia - Research Paper Example Additionally, it has vast resources that enable it perform very complex operations while keeping a very low profile. The kind of operation the mafia carries out is highly sSuccession is clearly defined by the family ties and power automatically shifts to the firstborn son once the father dies. However, the members of these mafias protect their wealth and power at all costs even if it means killing anyone who meddles in their business. Additionally, they believe that they have built their empires for a long time and not even the government can take it from them as much as they are committing these crimes. These mafia organizations are not known by anybody; they work mysteriously and one cannot clearly identify who is in the mafia, as most of the people involved run legitimate businesses and are very well respected in the society hence making it very difficult to differentiate them from the other loyal citizens. Furthermore, they have access to government officers and can get any infor mation that they require. Due to this, it makes it very difficult for the government to track these organizations down and bring them to justice. These organizations are so secretive that they even control the marriages of there daughters and closely monitor their husbands. Sometimes the husbands are never introduced into the family business, and they are kept in the dark. One cannot deny the fact that mafia-type organizations are deeply rooted in Italy and have even extended into the government. For instance, the former Prime Minister of Italy Mr. Giulio Andreotti was charged for associating with mafia organizations. ... clearly identify who is in the mafia, as most of the people involved run legitimate businesses and are very well respected in the society hence making it very difficult to differentiate them from the other loyal citizens. Furthermore, they have access to government officers and can get any information that they require. Due to this, it makes it very difficult for the government to track these organizations down and bring them to justice. These organizations are so secretive that they even control the marriages of there daughters and closely monitor their husbands. Sometimes the husbands are never introduced into the family business, and they are kept in the dark. One cannot deny the fact that mafia-type organizations are deeply rooted in Italy and have even extended into the government. For instance, the former Prime Minister of Italy Mr. Giulio Andreotti was charged for associating with mafia organizations. However, he was acquainted when the prosecution failed to provide sufficient evidence to tie him to the mafia organizations. Consequently, the most recent case is that of the Sicily president who was charged and convicted of associating and providing assistance to mafia organizations. He was sentenced to a five-year jail term in 2008. They fact remain that these mafia organizations spread terror and fear among the people trying to gain power and amerce wealth illegally. Moreover, they work with impunity and have no regard for the law. The mafia organizations aim at marking their territories and area of control. However, other features of mafia organizations include their code of honor for instance the Cosa Nostra mafia has ometra which means the duty of silence. They highly uphold this code and respect it hence making them invisible and hard to track down by

International Refugee Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

International Refugee Law - Essay Example Many of these states have been reluctant to offer asylum due to their own political and economic considerations. However, these asylum seekers have often displayed vulnerable qualities in terms of physical, psychological, as well as political support. For which reason, international governing bodies and host states have often ended up granting asylum to these refugees. However, recently, issues on the impact that these refugees have had on host states have been evaluated. Their economic impact has been a major consideration because these refugees have been considered as a significant drain to the resources of host states. The issue of their vulnerability has also been raised. In a decision by the European Court of Human Rights, specifically, in the case of M.S.S v Belgium, the court speaks of the applicant as a member of a ‘vulnerable group’. The case deals with the expulsion of an Afghan asylum-seeker to Greece by Belgium in accordance with the EU Dublin Regulation. The Court issued a standard-setting landmark judgement for the protection of asylum-seekers and it also held that asylum-seekers were a â€Å"particularly underprivileged and vulnerable population group in need of special protection†... He declared that they are not a group ‘historically subject to prejudice with lasting consequences, resulting in their social exclusion†2. This paper aims to critically discuss the judgement delivered in M.S.S v Belgium and Greece. Moreover, it will examine the current position of asylum-seekers who seek ‘international protection’ and the applicability of the legal framework under the 1951 Convention or under the International Human Rights. This paper will also attempt to evaluate the treatment of asylum-seekers in Europe, more specifically, in Greece. It shall also draw some comparisons with the recommended treatment as implemented by the Common European Asylum System. Finally, this paper shall also discuss the concept of vulnerability. This paper is being carried out in order to establish an improved understanding of the refugee laws, including the individuals who may or may not be considered refugees. It is also being carried out in order to assist legal a nalysts in making better judgments on the status of refugees. Background The ‘right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution’ is indeed a key provision in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights3. However, sometimes this right is not fully observed in parts of Europe today. Instead, asylum-seekers are met with hardship and suspicion and too often are treated inhumanely; some are even placed under detention. Asylum-seekers entering Europe have well founded fears of persecution. Most of their fears stem from their ethnicity, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group; all of these qualities are very much different or opposed

Monday, February 3, 2020

Critical Assessment and comparison of the Competitive and Essay - 2

Critical Assessment and comparison of the Competitive and Profitabbility of UK food retail Sector and the UK Oil and Gas Sector 2006-2010 - Essay Example Each company belonging to different sector has different nature of business, market conditions and regulations, therefore it is not appropriate to compare financial performance of companies from different industries or sectors (Helfert, 2001); In this report, the author has used various financial ratios in order to compare the financial performance of companies selected for analysis. The financial ratio analysis includes the comparison of the financial performances of the UK three companies from retail sector and three companies from oil and gas sector. In this regard, the following are the ratios which have been considered to conduct the analysis: In order to analyse the liquidity position of the selected companies over a period of five years, current ratio and cash ratio have been determined for each company for each of the five financial year under consideration. By determining these ratios, it is possible to analyse the ability of companies being analysed to pay off their liabilities (Helfert, 2001). The ratios used in this regard include current ratio and cash ratio. For determining the profitability of the selected companies, profitability ratios have also been considered. The ratios included in this analysis are â€Å"return on capital employed† (ROCE) and â€Å"return on equity† (ROE) (Helfert, 2001). The return on capital employed shows the overall profit earned by a company while making use of its total capital or resources. On the other hand, the return on equity shows the profits earned with respect to total equity held by a company (Helfert, 2001). Debt ratios are determined to analyse the performance of the company in relation to its debt and the composition of debt in its capital. The report includes following two ratios to evaluate the debt composition of the companies and operating cash flows with respect to total debt of the company (Helfert, 2001). The formulae for these two

How does the US Constitution relate to the US Army Officer Corps Essay

How does the US Constitution relate to the US Army Officer Corps - Essay Example The US Constitution is the supreme law of the country, providing framework for organizing its government.Other than defining the organization of these arms, the constitution clearly outlines the powers exercisable by each branch of government. The Constitution also reserves some rights for each individual state and therefore establishes the US federal system of government.It defines three the three major government arms namely the executive under the leadership of the President, the judiciary headed by the Supreme Court and the legislature consisting of a bicameral Congress. The US Constitution was enacted in 1787 through a convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but later underwent ratifications in every state, and further underwent amendment twenty times.The US Army is a military, whose primary misson is providing the required forces and capabilities to boost national security and defense strategies. The Army is the largest and oldest branch of the armed forces and among the seve n uniformed operations. The modern Army traces its roots back to the Continental Army formed in 1775 to help in meeting the demands of the American Revolutionary War, before the United States was established. Most US Army units can be divided into various components including the following units: the Corps, Division, and Brigade, regiment, Battalion, Company, Platoon, Squad, Section, squad and team. The Corps is a large administrative and administrative grouping of troops within the armed forces having a common function like Artillery or Signals. The relationship Various views with regard to the source of war power were expressed in the early years of the US constitution making and continue to seek supremacy even now. A theory was to the effect that war power comprises the particular powers granted by Article 1, Section 8. Later in 1795, the theory's argument was advanced further that the National government's war power is attributed to sovereignty and hence independent of the confirmatory grants of the written constitution. Later, Chief Justice Marshall took a different view that the authority to wage war is implied from that to declare it (Kohn et al, 1988). According to the US Constitution, the President is the Commander-in-chief of the military although Congress is the one empowered to declare war by Article One, Section Eight, and not the President. However, Congress has always authorized Presidents to deploy troops in the event that a war has not been declared explicitly. Since the Second World War, major military actions have mainly been US military operations or UN police actions that are considered justifiable legally due to decisions like Authorisation for Use of Force, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and numerous other UN Resolutions. This was also the case for the Korean War that was only considered a war by an Act of Congress. The The US Constitution does not apply to the military personnel exactly the same way it does to civilians. Even though the military is not excluded from the rights contained in the Bill of rights of the constitution, Article One, Section Eight grants Congress authority to make government rules as well as regulate the land and naval forces. Practically, most of the constitutional rights of the civilians are also accorded to the military, even though some differences are introduced to suit the situation in the military. With regard to right of warning and right of counsel the military has broader protection than those in the constitution. Military appellate courts are used for interpreting military law and ensure it is consistent with the constitution as much as possible (Kohn et al, 1988). The Second Amendment of the US Constitution created a well regulated militia in order to boost security of the Free State as well as the right for people to bear and keep arms. This amendment was enacted in an environment pervaded by emerging republican ideology as well as with the help of various suggestions from